5 reasons why I hate my best friend!
I have a lot of friends, many type of friends; I love them all for their unique, quirky traits but one of them, well I hate her and she’s one of my best friends. Surprised? Don’t be. You will understand why I feel the way I do about her when you read the reasons why: Reason #1: I hate her for the lovely memories that make me cry The fun of wearing the same colour tees, sporting the same brand of sports shoes and even getting ‘flicks’ cut together.. The studying together at night, kicking each other to get ready for college, sharing meals, cosmetics, clothes and coffee…hostel was so…
True friendships stand the test of time…and revisits!
Friendships are awesome! You have friends at your workplace, friends at your husband’s workplace, friends around your home…basically, you are a very social person who basks in the glory of having a lot of friends-a lot! It has just been two years since you reached the place and you get the feeling that you can settle and stay there for the rest of your life. Sigh! You knock on wood and smile. Then the cycles of time take a sudden turn (as they usually do right when you think you are on the right track) and your husband gets posted out of the place, thanks to his transferable job. You…
Daughter-in-law: Never the daughter, nowhere like the son-in-law!
Sharing here an article of mine that has gone viral on all social media sites, bringing me applaud and criticism alike. It would be just wrong of me to not share it here. Dear Mom-in-law, Ever since I walked into the door of your house, dressed in a red suit, I have been trying to fit in. I did manage to make the house my home, but I still am lost at my place in the family. Daughter-in-law- that is my identity, but what does it really mean? Am I a daughter of sorts? The name does sound extremely similar, but why doesn’t it feel so? I asked myself this question a…
Dear husband, can you take the vow?
Nine years have gone by and it still feels like yesterday When the two of us walked the marriage way. Yet today, if I may I want to ask you to wow me again and I will tell you how Just hear me out and say yes,come on, take this vow! When I am running around in the morning, fixing breakfast Prancing a mad dance, between kitchen and kiddo’s room Before you shout out for your missing sock, pray wait! Just hold me tight and tell me everything’s alright. I know not how, but can you take this vow?When my work-life gets taxing and I feel low And managing both fronts…
The 10 types of friends we all have!
Friendship is an amazing relationship. You are not tied together by blood but by secrets of each other and a mutual interest in silly things;yet, the tie is terribly strong. Friends are the family you choose for yourself and spend so much of your waking hours with. Friendship surpasses all relations when you are in need and is always by your side but true friendship also knows to move and take just a step back when you need space. Friendship is truly a fantastic(o) reationship!!! I am lucky to have been blessed with amazing friends and quite a considerable number of them. Let me tell you, they are all unique…
Love story of a baby’s parents
Parenting is a tough job. It not only drains you physically, but also puts your relationship with your partner to a test. When you are busy handling bawls, throw-ups and dirty diapers, you are left with little patience to pick up the wet towel your darling husband left on the bed as usual. It is tough on the new fathers too. They find it difficult to handle a hormonal, tired and frustrated wife and a frighteningly tiny baby who cries for unknown reasons. This is when your love is tested. My darling daughter, baby S, as I usually refer her as, was an insomniac. For the initial six months, she…