Solo travel as a woman- why I love it and you should too!
Over the past year or so, I have undertaken solo travel to a number of destinations-both within the country and abroad. The first time was sheer coincidence as I had to stay back in London for work while my family traveled back. I was miserable at the very idea but that one journey alone changed my view about traveling solo and since then, I deliberately have traveled on my own! Why, you ask? Well, you really need to just go ahead and undertake a solo journey to understand but let me try to share my experience that makes me support it so vehemently.
Major Vitamin C(onfidence) booster!
Solo travel involves a lot of decisions that you take on your own, from planning the trip to checking in to the airport, traveling on the plane, deciding which mode of transport to take from the airport to the hotel, chalking your itinerary to stepping your explorer feet out to explore on your own…. it boosts your confidence a hell lot! Being the kind of person who hands over the menu to the next closest person to decide what to eat at a party, it was a paradigm shift for me to read the menu at length and experiment local cuisines. I did, at times, end up with a not so palatable dish at my table but more often than not, I had a rather pleasant experience.
A great chance to discover yourself!
We all hear about the importance of ‘Me time’ and reflecting on your inner self. Of all the ways you can do that, the best one by far is solo travel. There is no pressure to accommodate others, modulate plans as per family…you sleep, wake and travel, all as per yourself. Traveling with family is fun, don’t get me wrong, but traveling solo has its perks too! Looking out the window during the flight, you appreciate the view…through your eyes and your perspective. What you choose to do on your travel is solely based on what you would like to do and that not only helps you discover yourself but also lets you reconnect with your true self that you often ignore in order to give preference to others in your life.
Broaden horizons-make friends from all over the globe!
When you step out of your comfort zone and step out to travel on your own, you discover that you are not the only one! You find many others like you, finding their own way….and you end up striking a conversation with some of them and discover many other things in common. I have met people from all the corners of the world on my sojourns and realised that while the world is huge and I am just a tiny speck in the larger scheme of things, people all over are the same! Travel broadens your horizons and you think more inclusively about people from different backgrounds and cultures.
An unparalleled sense of accomplishment!
When you decide on solo travel, you sharpen your wits and polish your judgment as you handle situations in foreign lands. You learn to find your own way while traveling, your individual preferences and styles while shopping, the quirks of taste buds while dining and you learn to appreciate and soak in the present without worrying about the future. Once you have completed your trip, you feel an unparalleled sense of achievement having accomplished something that many wish for but do not dare just because even to this day, a woman traveling solo still gets raised eyebrows and awkward glances. But believe me when I say this, if you are a woman and you have never traveled solo, you have no idea what you have been missing!
So pack your bags and dare to step out. You will return as a happier and better version of yourself. Travel changes you….and always for the better!!!