Chhatbir zoo- A photo blog!
Chandigarh is City Beautiful and has always had my heart! So when we had guests over from out of country who were keen to travel nearby cities, Chandigarh topped the list. As a person who never misses a chance to visit the place, I pride myself in knowing a lot about the sightseeing places in Chandigarh and assured our guests of a perfect guided tour. I forgot that despite the familiarity, the city always entices me. One of the places that truly mesmerised me was Chhatbir zoo (Yes, I have been there before many times but still!) I was on my own, capturing the majestic animals in all their glory…
Welcoming my old self to the voice of the future-#BoseQC35
Dear Teen-me, If you are done with the eye-roll at the prospect of reading a letter from your future self, let me assure you, you will be amazed to hear what I have to say! The future is incredible! While it might not sound real to you right now with your mind being crowded with the Pythagoras theorem and the Ohm’s acoustic law, you eventually will experience the wonders of science sooner than you can expect! Just for a moment imagine being able to carry a wire free phone with you everywhere, everytime? Now imagine the phone turning into a device that is a calculator, alarm, internet explorer and a…
Monsoons are now about happiness & hugs…not flu and stomach bugs!
Once you become a parent, your definition of seasons and the things you relate to the advent of each one of them change. While cold winter months are accompanied by sniffles, monsoons herald the onset of flu, viral fever or upset stomachs. Someone it is only for the first changes of seasons, some say it is the initial 5 years of life….you see no end to it. Like a good mother, I keep all the necessary medicines stocked in a separate bag that contains all the pediatric syrups. A couple of weeks ago, I had a friend and her family over at my place. Late in the evening, her…
5 innovative ways to use your travel photos!
‘’Trips become memories…. Memories become treasures!’’ The memories you make on the move are the most cherished ones and there isn’t a better way to preserve them than turning them into photographs. Although smartphones and gadgets have digitalised the world pf photography to a large extent, images in print not only create treasure books called photo albums for you to cherish forever but can also be used to customise a personalised gift for your loved ones. A decade ago, I lost all my honeymoon photos due to a software error (Yes, I don’t have a single photograph of my honeymoon. I bet you remember reading that) and since then, I don’t rely…
#CelebrateSuper- The undauntable spirit of Delhi!
I asked my soul: What is Delhi? She replied: The world is the body and Delhi its life! -Mirza Ghalib That is Delhi for everyone who is in the city, whether to settle there for good or on a short stop in the sojourn of their lives. Delhi has a life of its own, a unique entity that engulfs and accepts everyone who enters. For those out of Delhi, Delhi is polluted, congested and a terrible place to live in. Ask those who live there- Delhi has given them everything. There is nowhere else they would rather be! The city of Delhi is unique in its contradictions and overwhelms…
The tale of the mobile sale!
There was a time when I loved changing my mobile every time a new gadget hit the market. That was during the initial years of the millenium when mobiles were a new thing and every new model brought something different to the table. I waited eagerly for upgrades and innovations and used all my savings(saved miserly from monthly budget while in college) towards buying a new mobile. Nowadays, after the dawn of the mobile revolution, there are so many models that look almost alike; the motivation is lesser and confusion more but nevertheless, I still like to own a decent, value-for-money, good spec mobile and not the same one for…
Greener options for children this Diwali- tips & tricks!
The condition of the environment is alarming and pollution meters are blinking at a dangerous red. Being a responsible citizen, you too want to endorse the concept of a Green Diwali and refrain from bursting crackers but you don’t know how to explain that to your kids. Diwali is about crackers for them, right? Being a parent, you know very well that trying to take away something from your kid without giving an alternative for the same is like trying to snatch a piece of meat from an eagle. Ask me! So how do you ensure that your little one endorses a green Diwali without throwing a tantrum or making…
Every breath you take. Home Interiors- The inside story!
There are broadly two kinds of people in this world- the realists and the idealists but who defines realism and idealism? This is a story of two such women, friends once but drifted apart by the waves of time. I could tell you their real names but then I might risk recognition so I will just call them Rhea and Ida. Here goes: Entering the lavish spread of her drawing room, Rhea let out a sigh of relief. ”Home sweet home. Welcome to my humble abode Ida.” Rhea turned towards the lady accompanying her. Ida smiled,”It is beautiful!” she genuinely complimented. Rhea was used to appreciation of her artistically designed and…
Caring for your child’s health-5 things to know before buying a water purifier
Come rains and ironically, the incidence of water-borne diseases peaks. 73 million work days are lost every year to diarrhoea. A staggering figure, don’t you feel? In the midst of such shocking figures, we, mothers are left with stress on our minds as to how to ensure healthy and safe water for our children. Thankfully, there are ample choices of water purifiers available in the market. Then why worry, you ask? Because the choices are confusing. So how to choose the best water purifier for home and office/school? Here are a few things you must keep in mind before venturing online to buy a water purifier: Know the kind of…
Taj Mahal- A thing of beauty is a joy forever! Photo blog
When I told my friends I was visiting the Taj Mahal, some shared the excitement while quite a few of them exclaimed that it was over-rated. A couple of them even asked me to share later whether the sight of Taj Mahal actually mesmerised me as people claim. This was the second time I visited this monument and trust me, I was just as fascinated by its beauty as I was the first time I set my eyes on it. Despite being covered by a framework of bamboo for maintainance, it still looked spectacular! We reached Agra after a road trip of some 600 kilometres and the Taj Mahal made…