Culinary misadventures in Travel
Food is an important part of travel and culinary exploration is an essential part of my itinerary, wherever I go! I tend to become very courageous in my experiments with cuisines during travel and being a non-vegetarian helps. Although my stomach does not agree with too spicy or oily foods but I still try to taste the local cuisine and delicacies particular to the place I am visiting. The experiments lead to some amazing experiences and some not-so-sweet ones as well. Nevertheless, they form incredible memories! On one such travel to Andamans, I learnt a couple of interesting things: Be prepared to face the consequences of your experiment Beaches are synonymous…
McCain-Recipe of a smile!
‘Laughter is brightest where food is best!’ -an Irish proverb Food forms an essential part of our lives. It is not just about survival, nutrition or calories; food has incorporated itself into our culture. It is central to socialising; it is the most important determinant of how good and well catered an event is. Food is an area in budget that is uncompromised on in weddings. We meet friends over coffee, we conduct business meetings over lunch and go out on dates over dinner. Food is, as you can see, highly important and if the food is good, it brings an added charm to any event. In our country, we…
Italy in my kitchen- Delmonte Chifferi Rigati!
In the world of Army, ‘socials’ and ‘dinners’ are big words. That is how we meet, that’s how we interact and break the proverbial ice. Every new comer into a unit is welcomed with a ‘dining in’ and every one leaving is bid farewell with a ‘dining out’. We interact with officers and wives of other regiments and brigades at dinner parties popularly referred to as ‘social evenings’ or simply ‘socials’. Other than these ‘socials’ that are highly formal (spelled as saree for women) functions, colleagues also invite each other over for less-than-formal dinners (nothing is casual in the army) at home. Last month, husband dear announced as I reached…