Explore the unchartered waters
It is so easy, so comfortable to choose the safer option even if it is monotonous. It takes courage to stretch yourself beyond your known capabilites and dive into the unchartered waters but that is the only way to discover life’s hidden treasures. I am not talking about extreme adventures and encouraging you to go bungee jumping ( though it is not a bad idea); I am talking about trying new things, taking up the hobby you once sacrificed and then blamed circumstances for, squeezing out a bit of time for exploring your hidden potential or just following your heart’s desire to travel. Two years back,I would laughed at this suggestion and said that it just sounds good and is not practical. There never is enough time! But trust me when I say this, there is time to do whatever you want. You just need to want to. I had given up on my love for the written word when I picked up the stethoscope, thinking that it was a fair compromise. A casual entry into a short story contest which resulted in my story(first I ever wrote) being published among top 5 was a wake up call for me. I wanted to write! It resulted in the birth of my blog and I delved into a new world. Handling a full time job, the home, my young daughter and the blog too was never easy but very fulfilling. That inspired me to make a resolve-to do a new thing every year. I decided to take up new challenges get out of my comfort zone. Staying true to my resolve, I walked the ramp for the firat time for a pageant and even ended up winning it. This year, I resolved to start my first book and actually managed to complete the first draft a couple of days ago. Taking up a challenge, however big or small and then completing it successfully is a satisfaction like no other. I recently took up the #DailyChatter challenge to blog everyday for a month starting today and this is my first post for it. I am travelling and typing on my mobile but I am doing it. That’s what this challenge is all about…commitment! Happy beginnings!! 🙂
Shivani Shourie