A letter to my daughter
Dear princess, So vivid is the memory of the day I held you in my sight and then my hands for the very first time. You looked so beautiful and so fragile. I was scared, worried that I might hurt your tiny body but when I held you close to my bosom, I felt the strength of a mother. I was scared no more. I just knew that no matter what,I shall always be by your side..guarding you…guiding you…fighting with every adversity that dare come your way. You are my treasure to keep and safeguard. As you grew up, you filled my life with emotions I never knew existed. I cried in my heart every time I could not console you when you were crying. I woke up in the middle of the night just to check on you. Watching you take your first steps felt like a part of me was walking outside my body. Your giggles never failed to make me laugh. Hearing you say ‘mumma’ for the first time was the most melodious sound my ears ever heard. Today is Mother’s Day and what day would be better than this to write to you? I know you won’t be able to read it yet but this is what shall stay as a message from me to you on this Mother’s Day. You are six years old now and are learning a lot about the world. I am noticing that you now question more, understand better, make your own choices and want to do many things yourself. I realise that my munchkin is growing up. Though I wish I could slow the pace of time and not let you grow up so fast and keep you safe under my wings, I know it is not possible. I have to let you step out and explore the world around you. The best I can do as a mother is to equip you with knowledge and guide you so that you are strong enough to face the world and yet kind enough to spread joy around you. source You will learn a lot from your teachers and your own experiences but I,as your first teacher,want you to remember to always be kind,be silly and be honest. Be kind to everyone around you,especially those in need. Kindness is a beautiful gesture that needs no reason. Let it be a part of your character. Be silly. There is no need to take life so seriously so soon. Be honest. More than anything else, I want you to be an honest person. The world is full of temptations and there shall be a lot of pressure to be dishonest but you must not yield. Honesty is the attribute of the strong. I do not know how much of it you understand right now but I shall be guiding you step by step through the years as you grow to ensure that you grow up to be honest. When I was a little girl like you, my mother (your nani ma) taught me that ‘honesty is the best policy’ and I stuck to it. Today, I am telling you the same thing and hoping that you carry on the legacy. Don’t lie,my love! I know that like every little girl,you wish to be like your mumma. Therefore before I ask you of anything,I promise to be honest with you,no matter what. I promise to answer to the best of my knowledge any questions you ask me,even the most awkward ones….rather especially the awkward ones. You too must never lie my dear! You let me know the truth, I shall stand by you without judging you. I will fight the world for you but only if you always tell me the truth. You can share everything with me. I shall always be your best friend. Have faith in me! You may be afraid of telling me the truth if you feel you have done something wrong. I shall not scold you for telling the truth but I shall be very upset if you lie. Just like the lego blocks you play with, families are bound together by honesty and truth. Don’t be scared of punishment or dissapointing me ….everyone makes mistakes. I might be angry at you a little but I promise I shall listen to you and not criticize you. I can help you and I will. Lying is the coward’s way and only gets one in more and more trouble. Respect other’s property! I often question you about the little erasers and candies I see in your school bag when you come home and you get irritated and tell me that your friend gave them to you. I ask you dear because it is important to know what is yours and what is not. Sharing is wonderful but asking for something and not giving it back is not. Just like you cherish all your toys and things,others too. Have courage! Sometimes it will take a lot of courage to speak the truth. When you know what is true, it is important to stand by its side. Say you witness a friend in class stealing from another girl’s bag…you must not stay quiet to save your friend. You must speak up to be fair. It will not be deceit, it will mean being honest. A friend who makes you lie is not a friend worth keeping. Keep good company! Talking of friends, the age you are now and as you grow up into your teens, the company you keep shall have a lot of influence on you,sometimes even more than your mother’s.We become what our company is. I will insist on meeting all your friends and knowing all about them even if it annoys you as it is important for me that you are not around dishonest friends. It is important to be honest and do what is right all the time,everytime. Even when no one is watching you and you can get away with doing the wrong thing, don’t ! More important than being honest with others is BEING HONEST TO YOURSELF! Trust me dear, if you are honest,you will not only be a joy to everyone around you but you will also be happy at heart! And you know what? source Trust me on that! Yours honestly, Mumma. Author’s note: “I am writing a letter about how a mother teaches honesty to her child with the Max Life Insurance i-genius #YoursHonestly activity in association with BlogAdda.”
Shivani Shourie