Be more!
As parents,we all love to show off our kids to others. On a birthday party a couple of days ago, a family friend asked my five year old daughter,’What do you want to be when you grow up?’ ‘A chef and a doctor.’ My daughter promptly replied. He seemed amused and tried to correct her.’You have to decide and be one. You can’t do both.’ ‘But why. I want to be both.’ The man had no answer. She looked at me and I beamed with pride. MY DAUGHTER HAD JUST STUMPED AN ADULT WITH A QUESTION HE HAD NO ANSWER TO. How many times have you heard someone in your life say, ‘You are your choices.’ ‘You have to choose.’ ‘This is the most important choice of your life.’ Millions,maybe and if you are a girl…then zillions probably! It all begins in your childhood 1. Good girls don’t do that. You want to be a good girl or a bad one? 2.You have to choose -boyfriend or parents? 3.You can’t have a career and be married too. Choose! 4. Your child needs you more than your job. Choose! 5.You are a grown up career woman,now you want to pursue writing too?Heights! For God’s sake,choose! I have been through all these and I proudly declare that whenever I faced the choices a) b) i chose the option c)all of the above and I am today all I ever wanted to be…doing everything I can..and yet striving to do all that I still wish to do,even when everyone else keeps telling me to choose. I am a doctor,an administrator A career woman married to an army officer A Career woman and a mother Trying my hand at writing….wishing to do a lot lot more ! I saw the same flame in my daughter that night and I am so proud of the feeling that she is not and shall never be bogged down by choices when she can have it all! So go for it and be more! Time to sharpen your ‘ands’ and throw out the ‘ors’! “This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus”
Shivani Shourie